LAGG Inaugural Release 2022 Batch 3
LAGG Inaugural Release 2022 Batch 3
Dahls Vinhandel
Sct. Mathiasgade 76
8800 Viborg
Heavily Peated Inaugural Release 2022 Batch 3 E-Red Wine Charred Cask 50%
Denne aftapning er produceret af whisky, der er lagret i 30 måneder på Bourbon Barrels, hvorefter whiskyen er afsluttet på rødvinsfade fra Rioja, som er blevet brændt hårdt før påfyldningen. Whiskyen har en meget flot smagskarakter, og det er bestemt et skridt væk fra den stil, som man vil forvente fra Lagg.
This is 100% Bourbon matured and is about establishing our Lagg house style. It’s a vibrant and young character and going forward this profile will be the cornerstone of our offering at Lagg.
The first three Single Malts to be released from our Lagg Distillery will be with us soon. These three limited Inaugural Releases are limited to only 10,000 bottles worldwide for each batch and as such really are landmark bottlings in our Distillery's history. They are the perfect limited edition introduction to the style of whisky that we are producing at Lagg, a snapshot into the last three years of our history. Next year, we will proudly introduce the ongoing Lagg Single Malt which will be widely available and in much larger quantities worldwide.
Isle of Arran
LAGG Destillery
0,7 ltr
Dahl's vinklub
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